Saturday 22 December 2007

That Is Ridiculous!

My good friend and musical cohort for the past 10 years Scott Hunt and I used to do a homemade sitcom. It's called "That Is Ridiculous!" For a little while there we had our own website where you could watch the episodes.It's kinda like Abbott&Costello meets The Monkees. The premise was basically two idiot songwriters (one slightly smarter than the other) and the surreal happenings that occur while trying to create music. There are many running gags. One is Scott saying "we have to get to work" and I say "I have an uncle who lives in Newark" and usually get my ass kicked for saying it.Jim Ryan plays our boss Fred Fredmann who basically hates every song idea we come up with until we tell him we can get Celine Dion to sing it. Somehow he always falls for it. Jim loves playing Fred and he's the complete opposite in real life.Scott and I are working on some new episode ideas so we can get back to having that kind of extreme fun. It's been a couple years since we've done one. We were never great at it but I think we could get better if we keep trying.
Mark as Celine

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